Mail preparation is one of the most important steps in the mailing process. Because mail preparation involves so many different phases -design, printing, a dressing, insertion and pre-sorting – it quickly becomes a complex and time-consuming task. For businesses relying on manual processing, mail preparation cuts into valuable resources and workload. Failure to integrate modern mailing technology impacts productivity, competitiveness and overall business workflow.
If businesses want to stay current with rising customer demands, they need to be able to deliver. This includes personalization: customized mailings and multiple communication forms are top trends in the mailing industry. Below we offer three solutions to increasing your mailroom preparation process.
Folder Inserters
Folder inserters are versatile machines that automatically fold and insert documents into envelopes. The stark contrast between manual and automatic processes is staggering. On average, an office worker can stuff approximately 100 envelopes an hour and by contrast, an entry-level folder inserter can stuff 13 times as many at 1,350 an hour. That makes a huge difference in workload! For larger companies with heavier workloads, more sophisticated machines have the ability to insert up to 12,000 envelopes an hour. These machines also include multiple feed stations allowing a variety of documents to be inserted. You can insert leaflets, brochures, reply paid envelopes and even CDs! Imagine the time and money saved when switching to a more modern solution.
Envelope Printers
With automated processes, you no longer need to manage, order and hold pre-printed envelopes. With modern envelope printers, you can just load blank envelopes and start printing. The ability to print on demand removes a huge chunk of manual processing. Some solutions boast a print speed of up to 39,000 envelopes in an hour. Associated software solutions also allow for inaccurate address corrections and marketing messages printed in color.
Addressing Software
Drop the hassle of returned envelopes and duplicate mailings by utilizing addressing software. Addresses that are complete and correctly formatted reduce waste and are essential in order to qualify for certain USPS discounts. By using modern addressing software, you reduce workload and improve overall delivery quality.