Making the right impression is crucial in managing customer relations. Each and every time you interact with a customer, it creates an opportunity to meet their needs, build insightful rapport and continue to maintain a healthy partnership that can ensure steady revenue in the long term. Each communication is essential to customer satisfaction but creating documents is time-consuming, sometimes error-prone and labor-intensive – particularly when the process requires many different stages.

The automation of outgoing mail and communication saves both time, money and resources and not to mention, improves customer engagement. Listed below are five ways your enterprise can benefit from document automation:

Personalization – Personalized, customized and targeted communications can improve response rates from customers. They want, and you can even say they expect, companies to know who they are. When preparing communication manually, this can be a challenge. But automated output management software can improve the personalization of crucial communications.

Preference – Even the most carefully crafted marketing campaign can get lose its luster if its not received at the optimal time. Some customers have a preference on how they wish to receive communications – whether it be digital, print or a combination of channels. When processes are manual and each channel is handled differently, managing these preferences can be challenging. Using multi-channel output management software centralizes communications by managing customer preferences more efficiently and streamlining the process.

Speed – Quicker response times serves as a key component in responding to customer inquiries successfully. However, manual processes can slow down communications significantly. Through using the right digital tools, a system can prepare, customize and dispatch a message via the customer’s preferred channel so they receive the message right on time.

Perception – Regardless of company size, it’s imperative that businesses convey a professional and cohesive brand image. Multi-channel document management software can deliver efficient, innovative and consistent communications. Maximize each mail piece’s impact by adding logos, colors and targeted marketing messages.

Synchronization – Oftentimes materials and postage are wasted on different forms of communications going to the same person in separate envelopes. This may prompt customers to think the company lacks order and organization. The right digital tools will combine similar communications into a single mailing increasing productivity and maintaining a unified brand vision of the company.