The Lineage Process
What to expect when working with Lineage
We Sell Results - Here’s How

This is how we operate at Lineage. We are a traditional company that leads with modern principles. If you call us, a real-live person answers the phone. A sales professional with years of industry experience guides you to a solution. And if your needs change, your one personalized point of contact is happy to “right-fit” you into the next best thing.
In the end, no matter what, your business-critical communication issues will be solved in a way that makes sense for your unique and changing business needs. How do we do this? By making sure the important things never change.
Say goodbye to being transferred from one department and rep to the next before you can flip a page, and say hello to an easier, simpler form of business talk.
The Lineage Accelerate And Lineage Optimize Process

Once your business plan is agreed upon and contracts are signed, we begin the process of implementing your solution. This can look like ordering and installing your equipment, getting your new software installed, training you on the systems and software, consulting on your business operations, and more.
Whatever this looks like for your business, we create the plans, oversee their execution, and set your business up for success.

The Lineage Connect Process

Reach out to us by phone or contact form. Within 24 hours you will be contacted by a sales professional to schedule a strategy session on your business needs. This dedicated salesperson is trained to take a consultative approach to your business, and is ready to design a customized solution to your workflow.

We understand both the time-sensitive nature and careful thought that many of our clients require, so we will schedule a strategy session at a time that works best for you and any additional key players involved in your project. During your strategy session, you can expect to identify core issues so that your sales professional can provide comprehensive solutions to help you grow and optimize your business.

Your sales professional puts together and presents a business review plan with the solutions that fit your business case. Then, together we refine your specific solution based on your business needs, budget, and overall goals, as well as any time considerations. We will also look at ways to improve the quality and security of your data, how we will produce and optimize your business-critical documents for distribution, explore ways you can drive revenue through cross-selling opportunities, and more.

Once your business plan is agreed upon and the agreements are signed, we begin the process of implementing your solution. At this step, you will be assigned a customer success manager to help define the production details of your project. They will be with you from creation to distribution to ensure your documents successfully become mail-ready.
Whatever you need for your mail and document workflow to become more efficient and secure, we will find it so that your business can be fully set up for success.

You and your team will enjoy increased productivity, reduced labor cost, less risk, and more security. Between the peace of mind of having an expert mailing partner that operates out of a secure facility, to having an enhanced outgoing document process, to feeling confident in your customer connection - there are a wide range of benefits waiting for you with outsourced mailing solutions.