Cloud-Based Document Management Software Costs For Your Business

September 12, 2023
Cloud-Based Document Management Software Costs For Your Business


Cloud-Based Document Management Software Costs For Your Business

Cutting Through the Cloud: Your Guide to Document Management Costs

Ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of documents your business generates daily? Or wondered if there’s a more efficient way to manage, store, and retrieve them? 

You’re not alone. 

In this post, we’ll demystify the costs associated with cloud-based document management systems (DMS). 

By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of what to expect in terms of expenses and the immense value these systems can bring to your business. Stick around, and we promise you’ll walk away with insights that could revolutionize your document management strategy.


Cost Ranges For Cloud-Based Document Management Systems

Low-end cloud-based document management options: $10-$20 per user per month

Features and Benefits:

  • Basic Document Storage: Provides a secure place to store documents digitally.
  • Simple Search Functionality: Allows users to locate files based on names or basic metadata.
  • Limited User Access Control: Basic permissions to control who can view or edit documents.
  • Mobile Access: Access documents from mobile devices, though with limited functionalities.
  • Integration: Limited integration capabilities with other software or platforms.
  • Customer Support: Typically offers email support with slower response times.

Ideal For: Startups, small businesses, or organizations with straightforward document management needs. Those who are transitioning from manual to digital systems and need a basic platform to start with.


Mid-range cloud-based document management options: $20-$50 per user per month

Features and Benefits:

  • Enhanced Document Storage: More storage capacity and organized folder structures.
  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Search within document content, use filters, and more.
  • Collaboration Tools: Multiple users can work on a document simultaneously.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate certain tasks like approvals, notifications, etc.
  • Integration: Integrates with a wider range of third-party software and platforms.
  • Security: Enhanced security features like encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular backups.
  • Customer Support: Faster response times, with chat and phone support.

Ideal For: Medium-sized businesses or organizations with a growing number of documents. Those who need more advanced features for collaboration, automation, and integration.


High-end cloud-based document management options: $50-$100+ per user per month

Features and Benefits:

  • Unlimited Document Storage: Virtually no limits on storage capacities.
  • AI-Powered Search: Uses artificial intelligence to provide smart search suggestions.
  • Advanced Collaboration and Workflow Tools: More sophisticated tools for large teams to collaborate.
  • Custom Integration: Tailored integrations with enterprise-level software and platforms.
  • Top-tier Security: Advanced security protocols, regular audits, and compliance certifications.
  • Dedicated Customer Support: Dedicated account managers, 24/7 support, and faster resolution times.
  • Customization: Ability to customize the platform to fit the unique needs of the business.

Ideal For: Large enterprises or organizations with complex document management needs. Those who require top-tier security, customization, and dedicated support.


On-Site vs. Cloud-Based DMS Costs

Aspect On-Site DMS Cloud-Based DMS
Initial Costs Significant upfront investment due to hardware like servers and networking equipment. Subscription model, usually paid per user or per feature monthly/annually.
Maintenance Requires regular maintenance, including hardware repairs, software updates, and system upgrades. Updates and maintenance are typically handled by the cloud provider.
Energy Costs Increased electricity bills from continuous server operation and cooling. No direct energy costs for the business as servers are managed by the cloud provider.
IT Personnel Might need a dedicated IT team for management, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Reduced need for IT personnel as many technical aspects are managed by the cloud provider.
Scalability Expanding the system for business growth can incur additional hardware and software license costs. Easily scalable based on business needs without significant additional costs.
Security Requires investments in firewalls, anti-virus software, and physical security measures. Cloud providers often offer advanced security measures, including encryption, backups, and compliance.

Importance of Cost and Prices in Choosing a Cloud-Based Document Management System

Every business operates within a budget. Understanding both the immediate and long-term total cost is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with financial constraints.

While the initial cost is a factor, businesses should also consider the potential Return on Investment (ROI). A more expensive system that streamlines operations and boosts productivity might justify the higher price. 

As businesses grow, their DMS needs will evolve, making it crucial to choose a system that can scale without incurring significant additional costs. Beyond the initial purchase or subscription price, businesses should consider the ongoing costs, such as maintenance, additional features, and potential training for staff. 

Hidden costs can also creep in, including fees for additional storage, extra users, or specific features not included in the base price. 

Lastly, the reputation of the cloud-based document management vendor plays a role. Sometimes, paying a bit more for a reputable vendor known for excellent customer support, regular updates, and a history of reliability can be a wise investment.



Factors Influencing the Total Cost of Cloud-Based Document Management Software

Number of Users

When you’re diving into the world of cloud-based document management, one of the first things you’ll notice is that many providers price their services based on the number of users. 

It’s a bit like buying tickets for a concert; the more people you bring, the more you’ll pay. But why is this the case? 

Well, more users typically mean more data storage, more bandwidth usage, and more customer support. It also means the system is facilitating collaboration and access for a larger group, which can put additional demands on the software. 

So, if you’re a growing company, it’s essential to factor in not just your current team size but potential future hires as well.


Deployment Model: Cloud-Based, On-Premise, or Hybrid

Alright, let’s talk deployment and implementation of a cloud-based versus on-premise solution. Think of this as choosing where your cloud-based document management software lives. 

With a cloud-based model, your software resides on servers far away in a data center – kind of like renting a swanky apartment in a high-rise building. You don’t worry about maintenance; that’s the landlord’s job. 

On the flip side, an on-premise solution is like owning a house. The software is on your property (servers), giving you full control but also the responsibility of upkeep.

Then there’s the hybrid model, which is a mix of both. It’s like having a city apartment (cloud) and a countryside home (on-premise). Some data and processes are kept in-house, while others are outsourced to the cloud. 

Each model comes with its own set of costs. Cloud solutions might have recurring subscription fees, while on-premise solutions might have higher upfront costs but lower ongoing expenses. 

Hybrid solutions? Well, they offer flexibility but can also bring the costs of both worlds.


Storage Capacity Requirements

Imagine you’re a book lover. Over time, you’ll need more shelves, maybe even a new bookcase or two. 

Similarly, as businesses grow and accumulate more documents, they need more digital storage space. 

Some cloud-based document management providers offer a fixed amount of storage in their base package, with additional fees for extra space. Others might provide unlimited storage but at a higher overall cost. 

It’s crucial to estimate not only your current storage needs but also how much data you’ll be adding in the coming years. After all, having to migrate to a new system just because you ran out of space can be both costly and time-consuming.


Features and Functionalities

Ever walked into a tech store and been dazzled by the latest gadget, only to realize half the features are things you’d never use? The world of cloud-based DMS can feel the same. 

Providers often pack their platforms with a plethora of features, from collaboration tools to advanced security protocols. 

But here’s the catch: the more features you want, the higher the price tag. It’s essential to strike a balance. 

Identify the functionalities that your business genuinely needs. 

Do you require advanced workflow automation? Or is a simple document storage and retrieval system enough? 

By pinpointing your must-haves, you can avoid paying for bells and whistles that don’t resonate with your business rhythm.


Integration with Other Systems

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, no software is an island. 

Your cloud-based document management system might need to chat with your CRM, shake hands with your accounting software, or exchange notes with your project management tool. Seamless integration ensures that your systems work in harmony, boosting efficiency. 

However, integration can sometimes come with added costs. 

Some DMS platforms offer built-in integrations with popular software, while others might require custom development work. It’s like wanting your new home theater system to connect with all your devices. 

Sometimes, it’s plug-and-play, but other times, you might need special adapters or even professional installation.


Support and Maintenance

Let’s face it: even the best systems can hiccup now and then. And when they do, you’ll want swift and effective support. 

Many cloud-based document management service providers offer varying levels of customer support, from basic email assistance to 24/7 dedicated helplines. 

Think of it as the difference between a car’s standard warranty and an extended service plan. While you hope you’ll never need it, having robust support can be a lifesaver in a pinch. 

Additionally, regular system maintenance, including updates and security patches, ensures your DMS runs smoothly. While many providers include this in their subscription fee, it’s worth double-checking to avoid unexpected expenses down the road.



Every business is unique, with its own set of processes, workflows, and needs. 

Sometimes, an out-of-the-box DMS solution fits the bill. But other times, businesses need a system tailored to their specific requirements

Customization can range from simple cosmetic changes, like branding, to more complex alterations in functionality. 

It’s akin to buying a suit. Off-the-rack might fit most, but some will opt for bespoke tailoring to get that perfect fit. 

Customization ensures your cloud-based document management solution aligns perfectly with your business, it can also add to the overall cost. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of a tailored solution against the associated expenses.



Top Picks for 2023

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and the world of document management software is no exception. As we sail through 2023, businesses are on the lookout for the crème de la crème of DMS solutions. 

Whether you’re a startup dipping your toes into digital document management or a large enterprise seeking an upgrade, here’s a roundup of this year’s top contenders.


Revver (formerly eFileCabinet)

Ah, Revver! Once known as eFileCabinet, this platform has undergone not just a name change but a complete transformation. Best known for its automation and workflow capabilities, it’s the go-to for businesses looking to streamline their document processes. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, it’s no wonder it’s a favorite this year.


Simplicity and efficiency are the names of the game for M-Files. Garnering praise for its ease of use, this DMS ensures that even the least tech-savvy in your team can navigate document management like a pro. Plus, its unique metadata-driven approach means you spend less time searching and more time doing.


Integration is the standout feature of DocuWare. If your business relies on multiple software platforms, DocuWare ensures they all play nicely together. From CRM systems to accounting tools, seamless integration means a smoother workflow and fewer headaches.

FileHold Express

Scaling up? FileHold Express has got your back. Best suited for businesses on the growth trajectory, it offers features that can adapt and expand as your document needs become more complex.


Productivity enthusiasts, rejoice! DocuPhase is all about getting more done in less time. With tools designed to enhance team collaboration and reduce manual tasks, it’s the secret weapon for businesses aiming for peak efficiency.


Customer support can make or break a software experience. isoTracker understands this, offering top-notch support that’s won it rave reviews. If you value a helping hand (or chatbot) when things get tricky, isoTracker might be your match.

Canon USA, Kyocera, Dropbox Business, and More

The list goes on with heavy hitters like Canon USA, known for its security features, and Kyocera, a champ in labeling and tracking. Dropbox Business, a familiar name for many, shines in the mobility department, ensuring you have access to your documents whether you’re in the office or on a beach in Bali.


Why Businesses Need Cloud-Based Document Management Software

In our digital-first world, businesses are swimming in a sea of documents. 

But what if there was a smarter way to navigate? Enter cloud-based document management software (DMS). This isn’t just any DMS; it’s a solution that leverages the power of the cloud, offering unparalleled flexibility and accessibility.

The beauty of cloud-based systems lies in their robust data security. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, it’s paramount to have a system that safeguards your documents with top-tier encryption and security protocols. 

And the best part? It’s all in the cloud. This means no bulky on-site servers, just seamless access to your documents anytime, anywhere.


Key Features of Cloud-Based Document Management Systems

The world of cloud-based DMS is rich with features designed to make your life easier. At its heart, it offers functionalities like check-in & out, lock features, and version control. 

Make an error? The roll-back feature has got you covered. And with everything stored in the cloud, collaboration becomes a breeze. Share documents, annotate in real-time, and ensure your team is always on the same page, no matter where they are.

But the benefits of cloud-based document management don’t stop there. Many cloud-based DMS providers offer free trials, giving businesses a taste of the cloud experience. With features tailored for remote collaboration, mobile functionality, and intuitive interfaces, working has never felt so effortless.


Choosing the Right Cloud-Based Document Management Software

Finding the perfect cloud-based DMS is like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. 

Start with comprehensive market research, pinpoint your needs, and be ready to pivot as your requirements evolve. 

Consider the size of your business, your budget, and those cloud-specific features that will elevate your operations.

Dive into free trials, explore online demos, and immerse yourself in user reviews. 

The cloud DMS landscape is vast, but with the right tools and insights, you’ll find your perfect match in no time.


Advantages of Using Cloud-Based Document Management Software

Opting for a cloud-based DMS is like giving your business a digital upgrade. 

Imagine the time savings with instant document access, no matter where you are. The scalability of the cloud ensures your DMS grows with you, adapting to your ever-evolving needs. 

And with top-notch security features, your data remains in safe hands. 

Quick document retrieval, regulatory compliance, and enhanced collaboration are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of going cloud-based.



What do cloud-based document management systems do?

Cloud-based DMSs are digital platforms that store, organize, and manage documents in the cloud, offering businesses flexibility and remote access.

How do they work?

These systems utilize cloud storage, allowing users to access documents from anywhere with an internet connection. Features like search capabilities, versioning controls, and collaboration tools are enhanced by the cloud’s scalability and accessibility.

What key features should I look for in a cloud-based document management solution?

Prioritize features like remote access, real-time collaboration, robust cloud security, and seamless integration with other cloud-based tools.


Find The Best Fit For Your Document Management Needs With Lineage

As we conclude our journey through the cloud-based document management system universe, it’s evident that the future is in the cloud. 

At Lineage, we’re at the forefront of this digital revolution, offering cloud solutions tailored to your unique needs. 

Ready to elevate your document management game? Reach out to Lineage today. Dive into the cloud with us and discover a world of possibilities.